Healthy, Custom Built Dream Homes


We hope that the following sources of information will help you gain a better understanding of what it takes to build a great home.

Green Building Advisor – A great starting point for both home owners and builders to get the basics of what it takes to have a healthy and energy efficient property.

Houzz – The largest online portfolio of everything home related. Great place to hone in on your style and material preferences, as well as get some tips and inspirational ideas for your future project.  Consider setting up a free account and start to make scrap books of both spaces, and details within the spaces.  Eventually when you’re ready to build your home, you will need to have a good idea of what types of door handles to pick, light switches to select, and so on.  This is a great place to catalog all that you like! 

Dwell – Americas leading modern and green home building and ownership site. Very inspirational and full of great articles that deal with future trends in modern construction.  Although their primary focus is on modernism, they do a terrific job outlining what it takes to have healthy and happy spaces to live in. Worth a looksie for anyone, and worth gathering all sorts of ideas for your future build.

Massachusetts Solar Information and Programs – Learn more about how solar energy works and different incentive programs which may be available to Massachusetts residens.

Need Help With Home Construction or Solar System Installation?

Learn more about our custom home construction services for Martha’s Vineyard residents.

Find out how we can help you design and install a solar panel system.  Learn about grid independence too!

This is a rendering of what agrovoltaics might look like on Martha's VInyeard. It is on plants that require smaller amount of sunlight and are provided with shade.

What are Agrivoltaics and How Does It Work?

In an era where sustainable solutions are increasingly vital, agrivoltaics stands out as an innovative approach that combines agriculture with solar energy production.  This comprehensive guide explores the exciting world of agrivoltaics and its potential

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